From Xero to Business Hero
So you’ve gained efficiencies by using accounting software such as Xero and Sage. Find out more about how much power you could add to your businesses processes by integrating Workhorse to create one end-to-end solution.
Cloud accounting applications have given businesses of all sizes the opportunity to really gain efficiencies and clarity in their business financials. In fact, systems like Xero, Sage and Quickbooks are now automatic choices for smaller businesses tracking their accounts, and for many businesses, they have made spreadsheets redundant for accounts preparation.
The power cloud technology is giving businesses has driven a business software revolution but with the ever-increasing volume of apps out there, we are left with two critical business productivity challenges: ‘mind the gap’ and ‘app-overload’.
It can be easy to adopt a new tool but not as easy to integrate it into your systems. From project management to time management or the multiplicity of marketing apps, they have a tendency to proliferate and when they proliferate, it’s not unusual to lose control of data and your data security, and what could be one consistent system, becomes ragged creating gaps occur in your process which you have to overcome.
Software developers have created a plethora of single job apps. E.g. email marketing, time-tracking, expenses, to name a few. They seem handy at the time, enabling you to do a task faster or on the go but challenges arise.
Each has its own standalone data which doesn’t feed into the mainstream business process, whether that is the CRM or your accounts packages. What you are left with are gaps in the process where tasks don’t link up. This drives users to download and transfer data on spreadsheets which is a waste in time and prone to error and loss.
There is, however, a SaaS solution which can by-pass these challenges and augment, rather than detract from your business processes. Workhorse enables businesses to link up their various functions and processes, tying it all into the power of their accounting business software. Your accounting system no longer stands alone and with all sales and costs funnelled automatically into your accounts software, managing a small business suddenly becomes easier and faster.
Used across the business, Workhorse will enable you to capture all activity from marketing, lead generation and new business development, to detailed sales order management, inventory, purchasing and despatch. What’s more, you can build in options for field management, resource, project and time management. Any billable activity can be funnelled into one billing system meaning that multiple sales from products, services and subscriptions can be handled without having to reconcile against multiple databases.
Workhorse saves you time by providing small businesses with end-to-end process management without the going through the sharp learning curve of having to build custom apps and automated workflows with third-party tools in an attempt to get an end-to-end solution. Workhorse is built around each individual business.
And this is where SaaS truly gets powerful; gone are the days of waiting months for a bespoke system, Workhorse system blueprints are delivered in just two weeks!
Workhorse linked to your accounting software enables you to:
- Save time collating sales and inventory information
- Save time on monthly billing and invoicing
- Have a clear overview on reporting for the whole business in one place
- Build bespoke reports tracking metrics across your business
- Save on apps and software that are no longer needed once a bespoke business software system is in place
- Gain greater data security with all data trackable and in one place
- The accounts team no longer have to wait for sales and activity reports
- Gain a real-time view of the business as a whole.
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