Let’s Support Small Business Saturday

Published on:
November 25, 2024
Updated on:
November 25, 2024
Let’s Support Small Business Saturday

As a software solution designed specifically to support small businesses, we thought it would be great to support small businesses around us in a different way. Whatever the size of your small business, from Micro to a multi-million SME, we all grow with the support of the networks around us. Small Business Saturday is a great way to help small businesses around you, particularly in times of uncertainty.

What is Small Business Saturday?

Originating in the USA, the UK’s Small Business Saturday was founded in 2013. Since its inception, this grass-roots, non-commercial campaign has encouraged customers across the U.K go out and support all types of small businesses, online, in offices and in stores.

In the UK, over 90% of the UK’s registered businesses are defined as small businesses, a huge proportion of which are reliant on local, UK networks and customer bases rather than the somewhat uncertain international trading world coloured by Brexit.

Small Business Saturday isn’t confined to High Street stores (although please do make sure you step over their thresholds and support them), it is also online and B2B businesses. Since it’s launch in the UK, consumer spending on Small Business Saturday has risen from £468m in 2013 to £748m in 2017! Now even, 87% of local authorities also support the event. These lifeblood businesses are exactly the type of businesses Workhorse works with, providing them with order management, ERP and CRM systems that enable them to be more productive and profitable without the cost and burning the midnight oil.

Small Business 100

This year, Small Business Saturday is celebrating 100 small businesses across the UK in the 100 days in the run up to the event. These are businesses you can also support via social media with the calendar of promotion here.

This year, Workhorse will also be supporting these businesses across social media. Watch our channels for articles and posts!

will also be supporting these businesses across social media. Watch our channels for articles and posts!

Want to get involved with Small Business Saturday? It may feel like it’s months away but actually, why not benefit from the chatter for your small business too in the run up to the event? Many small businesses take part in the day by hosting events and offering discounts. Find out more here.

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