The Workhorse Blog

Latest stories, tips, and our opinions on everything and in between

What is inventory management automation?

What is inventory management automation?

As a small business owner in our increasingly digital world, automation is a key element that can give you an edge in your operations.  Inventory management automation is one of the best ways to start your SMB’s digital transformation. But what exactly is inventory...

How to boost your SMB’s business efficiency in 2023

How to boost your SMB’s business efficiency in 2023

For many businesses, 2022 was a year of challenges, change, and uncertainty. Now 2023 has arrived, bringing brand-new opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses to optimise their operations and boost business efficiency. It’s a time to take charge and set...

Why inventory management will be so important in 2023

Why inventory management will be so important in 2023

The turning of a new year is traditionally a time for resolutions. But forget about joining the gym or downing spinach smoothies. Here at Workhorse, we think the New Year is the perfect time to reassess your inventory management strategy. It may not be the most...

How furniture manufacturers can stay resilient in 2023

How furniture manufacturers can stay resilient in 2023

Getting the New Year off to a cheery start, the head of the IMF says that the organisation expects a third of the world economy and half of the European Union to be in recession in 2023. The world economy clearly hasn’t got the ‘New Year, new you’ memo. The continuing...

How building resilient business processes will help you weather the storm

How building resilient business processes will help you weather the storm

Ever since the start of the pandemic, it feels like it’s been one thing after another for SMBs. We’re now living a  “new normal”,  but it doesn’t really feel that normal at all. The war in Ukraine, extreme weather events, sky-high energy prices and lingering supply...

How to optimise your order packaging and save money

How to optimise your order packaging and save money

For those working within the manufacturing sector, you have the unique experience of being both a manufacturer and a consumer. And that means that you sometimes see something as a consumer that affects your inner manufacturer.  You may have experienced this when...

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