User Filters
The Advanced Search feature in each Module gives Users the ability to save their search criteria as a Filter. These Filters can be edited or deleted in the User Filters section of each User record.
To be able to edit or delete User Filters, you will need to have appropriate permissions to the Settings Module.
View and Delete User Filters
To view a User‘s saved Filters, go to Settings > Users and select the User from the list of User Records displayed. In the top right-hand side of the User Record, you will see User Filters. Click anywhere in the box to expand it. You will see the list of Filters the selected User has saved.
To delete a User‘s Filter, simply click Delete next to the User Filter you wish to delete. Then click the Confirm Delete button from the window that appears.
Edit User Filter
To edit the display name of a User Filter, click on the listed Filter and adjust the Filter Label as necessary.
To allow other Users with access to the same Module to use a saved User Filter, set System Filter to Yes.
As System Filters are accessible to any User with the appropriate Module access, they cannot be restricted to specific Users.
Click the Save button to confirm your changes.