Overcoming barriers to growth: Join Our LinkedIn Webinar Series

10 May 2024

For many businesses achieving sustained growth can often feel like navigating a minefield. As businesses scale, they encounter a host of operational challenges that can impede progress and profitability. At Workhorse, we understand these challenges deeply, which is why we are excited to announce our upcoming LinkedIn webinar series dedicated to addressing and overcoming these barriers to growth.

In the coming months, we will delve into six critical barriers that many businesses face:

Tracking the True Cost of Goods:
Incidental costs, production expenses, and value-add services can make it difficult to accurately track the true cost of goods. This lack of clarity can hinder financial planning and pricing strategies.

Unreliable Pricing Strategies:
Without precise gross margin calculations, pricing strategies often rely on guesswork. This uncertainty can lead to missed opportunities and suboptimal pricing decisions that affect profitability.

Inaccurate Forecasting:
Effective forecasting requires reconciling historical sales data, projected sales, and seasonal variability. For many businesses, this process is more art than science, leading to stock imbalances and missed sales opportunities.

Escalating Administrative Costs:
As businesses grow and operations become more complex, administrative costs can increase disproportionately to revenue. This inefficiency can strain resources and impact overall profitability.

Inefficient Customer Communications:
Consistent and timely customer communications are essential for maintaining customer satisfaction. However, many businesses struggle with time-consuming and inconsistent updates due to a lack of unified communication formats and tracking mechanisms.

Disjointed Operations:
Fragmented operations, where data is held in silos (both human and technical), result in duplicated efforts and inefficient workflows. This disjointedness can severely hamper productivity and internal communication.

Why You Should Attend

Our webinar series is designed to provide actionable insights and practical solutions to these common challenges. By attending, you will gain:

  • Expert Guidance: From Workhorse founder, and the operational efficiency master himself, Alastair Badman, who will share proven strategies for streamlining operations and enhancing business performance.
  • Real-World Case Studies: From businesses like yours who have successfully overcome these barriers and achieved significant growth.
  • Interactive Sessions: Interactive discussions and Q&A sessions to address your specific concerns and gain personalised advice.

Don’t Miss Out

Join us for our webinar series to unlock the full potential of your business. Whether you’re struggling with cost tracking, forecasting, administrative inefficiencies, or disjointed operations, our sessions will equip you with the knowledge and tools to drive growth and efficiency.

Stay tuned for more details on dates and registration. We look forward to seeing you there and helping you turn these barriers into opportunities for success.

About Workhorse

Workhorse is dedicated to helping businesses overcome operational complexities through innovative solutions and tailored support. Our platform simplifies order and inventory management, enabling scalable and profitable business operations.

For more information, visit www.goworkhorse.com and follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated on our latest events and insights.

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