User Settings

In the top right-hand corner of the screen, to the left of the Help and Log out button you can find the User Settings icon. Click on this to view the User Settings.

Fig 9 Where to find User Settings

There are three settings: My Profile, Change Password and My Company Details.

My Profile
Allows you to change the Name and Display name linked to your username.

Change Password
Gives you the opportunity to change your password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters, a mix of numbers and letters, upper case and lower case with at least one special character from this list ! @ # $ % ^ & * [ ].

Fig 10 Change Password Screen

If you have forgotten your password, you can select Forgot Password? From the login screen, once you enter your email address, you will receive an email with a link to reset it.

Fig 11 Forgotten Password

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