
Create a new Purchase Order


To create a new PO, you will need to have appropriate User Access to the Purchase Orders Module.

To create a new PO:

1.  Go to Purchase Orders.

2.  Click Add New in the top-right corner.


You can also create a copy of a previous PO by opening the previous PO, scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting Functions > Copy Purchase Order. This creates a new draft PO where you can edit the details as follows.

3.  A new draft Purchase Order will be displayed. Start by entering or selecting the details as required in the Purchase Orders section.


You will need to complete all of the mandatory fields (marked with a *) before you can save the Purchase Order.

Refer to Purchase Order field explanations for more information on each field. When you select the Supplier, the Tax Rate and Currency fields will auto-populate based on the details saved on the Supplier record.

4.  Once all of the required details have been entered and selected in the Purchase Orders section, scroll down and click Save before adding Products or other information.

Add Products to a Purchase Order


To be able to add a Product to a Purchase Order, the Product must exist in Products and the Supplier must be listed under Product Suppliers.

1. Under the Purchase Order Detail section, click + New.

2.  The Purchase Order Detail form will be displayed. Select or enter the details as required:

  1. Select the Product from the drop-down list. This list will contain all of the Products associated with the selected Supplier.
  2. Enter the number of Products you want to order in the Quantity field.
  3. The Cost Price will be auto-populated based on the Cost Price for this Supplier saved on the Products record, but you can edit it here as needed.
  4. Click Save or Save and Add New to add another Product to this PO.

Add other information to a Purchase Order

Use the other sections of the Purchase Order to do the following:

  • Add Internal Notes, or Document Comments (to add comments to your printed Purchase Order) under Additional Information.
  • Add Notes and Tasks associated with this Purchase Order and assign them to yourself or a member of your team.
  • Upload Files associated with the Purchase Order under Files.

Purchase Order field explanations

Auto-fills the address saved in Stock Locations based on the Receive Stock Location selected above (this will appear on the printed Purchase Order). Click to edit the address.Delivery InstructionsNEnter any additional instructions for the Supplier.Xero RefAutomaticIf you have a Xero integration, this field will be auto-filled once the PO is saved and added to Xero.


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