Stock Reports

Stock reports are accessed from the Stock Reports module:    There are four types of Stock Report:• Minimum Stock – shows product code, Description, number in stock and minimum stock quantity.• Stock Check – shows product code, Description and number in stock• Stock...

Work Orders

The Work Order functionality is used to raise Work Orders for Assemblies. These are products which are made up of a number of items and then assembled on site. Work order display shows all the work orders that have been created in the system with the status of each...


All supplier information is available in this module. When you navigate to the supplier module, the first view you will see is the table view which shows a list of all of the suppliers you have entered in the system. See below:  When you click on a line record, the...

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders are used to order stock from your suppliers. All purchase order information is available in this module. When you need to order stock from your suppliers, this is where to raise the Purchase Order and record delivery of the items when they arrive at...

Search and Advanced Search

Within each module (e.g. Customers, Suppliers, Orders) you will find two search functions, Quick Search and Advanced Search which can be used to filter the information on the screen.  The Quick Search is the Search box, on the left-hand side of the Filters button.The...