Managing Contract Projects and Relationships in One Place

Managing Contract Projects and Relationships in One Place

Providing contract furnishings for businesses isn’t just about selling a product. It also means offering a service to your clients. You help them get the right look and feel for their business, whether it’s a trendy office space or a luxury hotel. You could be giving...
Small Businesses Need More

Small Businesses Need More

Last week, Workhorse exhibited at We Do Business Croydon, an event targeted at smaller businesses based in the local area who are looking to grow their businesses and make themselves more efficient. This is what we learnt from businesses in Croydon. PASSION The...
From Xero to Business Hero

From Xero to Business Hero

So you’ve gained efficiencies by using accounting software such as Xero and Sage. Find out more about how much power you could add to your businesses processes by integrating Workhorse to create one end-to-end solution. Cloud accounting applications have given...