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Initial Setup

User Set Up

From the settings module, you can choose ‘Users’. In this section, you can add, edit, view and disable users. You can also manage what modules the users have access to. When you access the user section you will see a list of all the users that have been set up. To...

System Settings

When logging in for the first time, navigate to the Settings module. This has five subsections: Lists, Tax Rates, Exchange Rates, Stock Locations and Integrations. To display all settings, click the arrow to the right of the word Settings.   Lists   In...

Functions and Downloads

In the top right-hand corner next to the Download and the Add New Button, you have the Function button. In each module this will allow you to do different things. In this module the function button allows you to synchronise Xero Tax Rates into Workhorse (if you use...

User Settings

In the top right-hand corner of the screen, to the left of the Help and Log out button you can find the User Settings icon. Click on this to view the User Settings. There are three settings: My Profile, Change Password and My Company Details. My ProfileAllows you to...

Dashboard and Search

Search and Advanced Search

Within each module (e.g. Customers, Suppliers, Orders) you will find two search functions, Quick Search and Advanced Search which can be used to filter the information on the screen.  The Quick Search is the Search box, on the left-hand side of the Filters button.The...


  The Dashboard is the first module which displays when you access the application.     You can see that the Dashboard module is highlighted in blue in the module list on the left-hand side of the screen. You can navigate to other modules, by clicking...


All Task information is available in this module.   It shows you all active tasks i.e. any tasks that haven’t been completed yet. In the Micro version of Workhorse this will just show tasks assigned to you. In the Pro Version, all active tasks for all users will...



All supplier information is available in this module. When you navigate to the supplier module, the first view you will see is the table view which shows a list of all of the suppliers you have entered in the system. See below:  When you click on a line record, the...

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders are used to order stock from your suppliers. All purchase order information is available in this module. When you need to order stock from your suppliers, this is where to raise the Purchase Order and record delivery of the items when they arrive at...


Product Catalogue

The product catalogue consists of 5 sections: • Products – This is the area where you add all your products and the constituent products for Kits and Assemblies. • Kits – Kits are groups of products which can be sent out together – for example, food hampers or...

Product Activity

The Product Activity module is a report where you can see all activity on all products. It displays in reverse chronological order and shows both products coming in to your business (via purchase orders and stock adjustments) and products going out (via customer...

Stock Reports

Stock reports are accessed from the Stock Reports module:    There are four types of Stock Report:• Minimum Stock – shows product code, Description, number in stock and minimum stock quantity.• Stock Check – shows product code, Description and number in stock• Stock...

Work Orders

The Work Order functionality is used to raise Work Orders for Assemblies. These are products which are made up of a number of items and then assembled on site. Work order display shows all the work orders that have been created in the system with the status of each...


Pinch – Mastering Complexity to unleash scale and profitability

Pinch – Mastering Complexity to unleash scale and profitability

Workhorse has proven to be a game changer for Pinch, a  furniture business celebrating its 20th year. With over seven years of experience, Workhorse has successfully implemented software solutions for numerous clients, and Pinch, led by co-owner and managing director...


All customer information is available in this module.     New customers can be created by clicking the Add New button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.       Input the relevant Customer information and click Save. This table contains...

Quotes and Orders


The Quotes module displays all quotes that have been generated which have status New, Quoted and Lost. In this module quotes can be generated and edited. When quote status is set to Won it will move from the Quotes to the Orders Module.  New quotes can be created by...


In the Orders module you can view, add and amend customer orders. New Orders can be created in two ways, first by changing the status of a quote to “Won” and probably more often by adding an order in the Customer Order area. To add an order in Customer Orders select...


The Despatch Notes display page shows all despatch notes and their status. You might use this page if you were looking for Despatch Notes which were stuck in the system at status of Draft or Ready for Despatch, but normally you’ll come to this are via a particular...


The invoice module has two subsections: Invoices and Credits. Credits are described in a separate section.   Invoices This is the Module you will come to to invoice customers and record payments against invoices. The first screen you will see shows all invoices...

Credit Notes

All credits information is available in this module. Sometimes a reduction in the invoice price is necessary and sometimes the stock which has been ordered and invoiced may be returned, in which case a credit would be issued.   New credits can be created by...

Order Reports

Order reports are accessed from the Order Reports module:   There are three types of order report:• Open Orders – shows ship date, order number, customer, product code, number ordered, number despatched, number invoiced.• Open Purchase Orders – shows Order date,...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How are prices and discounts applied to an order? There are several places in Workhorse where prices and discounts can be set. The Workhorse system always choses the price that will apply first and then applies any discount set to that price.   Price The default...